Wednesday 3 March 2010

Germination in the hotbed and second hotbed complete

Several things have already germinated in the hotbed, the Russian Tarragon, tomatillo verde, both the lemon grass varieties and one of the two things I planted the day after the last planting (they needed 24 hours of soaking)
Chinese milk vetch (Huang Qi) Astragalus membranaceus 

I also planted some Asparagus Conover's collossal  Asparagus officinalis

There's still about half the first hotbed to plant and I finished filling the second one today.

The last couple of days we've had very frosty mornings with bright warm sunny days.

The attempt to double dig a bed with a mini digger didn't work that well, I ended up with a hole full of water because of our fine clay. I used it to save myself a walk to the nearest pond for water for my indoors plants. It might be an idea to make it deeper so I have some water right next to my bender for watering. I'm in two minds though because of mosquitos.
I'm considering just using mulch beds for the rest. I need to get some beds in right now for broad beans, parsnips and some of the herbs. If the weather's good tomorrow I'll get cracking.  

Short one today, there's not much to be said about shifting manure and compost which is what most of the work now is all about.